Saturday, February 23, 2008

ENOUGH monthly activist call

Hey hey,

ENOUGH, STAND, GI-Net and Save Darfur's monthly activist call is going to be held on Feb 28th at 7:00 pm. Summary of people who are going to be speaking as part of the call:

Omer Ismail, will join the call to talk about the latest turmoil and the political situation in Chad.

Save Darfur Coalition Media Relations Director Allyn Brooks-LaSure will discuss recent Save Darfur Coalition-sponsored journalist trips to Chad.

STAND and GI-Net recently launched The Executive Legacy. Scott Warren will outline the four-part policy framework President Bush must follow in order to end the genocide and help bring peace to Sudan.

Coby Rudolph, National Outreach Coordinator at the Save Darfur Coalition will give an update on upcoming grassroots campaigns.

If you'd like to sign up, here is the link.

Happy Sunday!

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